Step 1: Log into your parent account - Click Here
Step 2: Select 'My Account' from the left hand navigation > then select 'My Children’
Step 3: A fly out window will populate > Click 'Add' at the top right of your screen.
- Input the player athlete one ID and Date of birth > click ‘next’
- Select your relationship > click ‘add’
- You will now see your player listed.
Adding manually
If you are adding your child manually, input all required information including the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Phone number
- Email (Player emails (required only if the player is 13 years or older) must be a unique email address (not associated with another account)
- Position
- Grad year
Once you have inputed the information, Click ‘save’
Step 5: The system will automatically look to see if your child is in the athlete one system. If your child matches with an account, they will appear as a possible player match > select your role and then click ‘add’
If your child did not have an athlete one account, you will now see them listed under ‘my children’. You have now created a player account for them. If an email address was inputed, your player will receive an email to activate their account.